2024 brochure UK web - Flipbook - Page 81
14.3 If you are processing your visa documentation through Star Tours in Mumbai/
Ahmedabad/Bangalore/Chennai and the visa is rejected/refused or delayed by the
consulate and we know the outcome 25 days prior to departure, then we will charge
25% of the tour cost for coach tours and 40% for all 昀氀ight / FIT tours as cancellation
charges. If the visa is rejected within 25 to 20 days of tour departure then the
cancellation charges will be 35% of the tour cost for coach tours and 50% for all 昀氀ight/
FIT tours that are cancelled (This only applies if the booking is made in India and visa
documentation has been done through Star Tours). If you are ineligible to apply for UK/
Schengen or you are unable to submit the documents as informed by Star Tours within
the speci昀椀ed timeframe, cancellation fees stated in point 5.1 will apply. The visa fee and
service charge is non-refundable in all circumstances. (Cancellation charges mentioned
in this clause is limited to UK & Schengen Visa only).
14.4 Visa documentation, application, procedure, fees, charges, requirement etc varies
from country to country and are not the same. You can request our of昀椀ce to share details
about the same. Details shared by our of昀椀ces are limited and to our understanding only.
All details given by our of昀椀ce are for reference only. We request our clients to verify and
con昀椀rm all details from respective consulate/embassy of respective country where visa
needs to be obtained.
14.5 If visas processed through us, Star Tours cannot be held responsible for any loss or
damage to your documents and passport submitted to any of our of昀椀ces for visa purpose.
Star Tours won’t be liable to pay any damages towards the same. Though we will take
upmost care of your documents and passport when in our possession.
11.1 During your holiday your driver, tour leader, guide, hotel or other service providers
14.6 It is your responsibility to check any travel documentation which we issue in relation
may offer services or excursions which are not included in the price of your holiday or
to your booking as soon as you receive it. Please contact us immediately if you believe
listed in our brochure. Since they do not form part of your contract with us, we do not
that the document is incomplete or incorrect. We will not be able to accept liability for
accept any responsibility for their cancellation or curtailment or for any loss, damage,
injury or death that you may suffer. If you wish to make a complaint or bring a claim in inaccuracies if we are not noti昀椀ed immediately. We will nonetheless attempt to rectify any
relation to such excursions or activities, then you should contact the person who offered mistakes caused wherever possible and won’t be responsible for any associated costs.
14.7 Some airlines now require additional passport information (API) and we will inform you
them to you directly.
and failure to provide this will result in you being denied boarding. We do not accept any
11.2 For operational reasons not all additional excursions listed on the tour itinerary or
published online may be available during your tour. Your tour manager will advise you of responsibility if you cannot travel due to this, no refund or compensation will be offered.
14.8 List of documentation required are available with Star Tours. You may ask for the same
availability whilst on tour. All additional and, or optional excursions are not guaranteed
at the time of booking. The list of documentation provided by Star Tours is for
to operate and operation of them is subject to the discretion of the operator i.e your
reference only and are subject to changes. Passengers are advised to recon昀椀rm the same
tour manager / driver / guide etc.
from respective consulate/embassy websites or by calling the consulate/embassy.
11.3 Our liability to you for the acts of our suppliers and employees is limited by our
terms & conditions. Our liability to you for your holiday and any loss, damage or injury
that you may suffer in relation to, or as a result of it (whether caused by us
15.1 Customs & Immigrations delays and enquires - Star Tours will not be held responor by our employees or suppliers acting on our behalf) shall be limited as follows:
sible, if you are stopped or held by any government department, e.g. Police, Customs,
(a) We shall not be liable in circumstances that we, our suppliers and employees
Immigrations or any other authorities of the destination country. The tour will continue and
could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid or for unusual or unforeseeable
no 昀椀nancial or any other kind responsibility will be accepted by Star Tours. Passengers that
circumstances beyond our control, consequences of which we could not have avoided
are held back will have to make their own arrangements to their respective destination.
even if all due care had been exercised.
10.1 In addition to our rights under clause 9, we may refuse to accept a booking or terminate
your holiday in the following circumstances, without any compensation or refund:(a) if you fail to inform us in writing at (or promptly after) the time of booking of any
relevant medical condition or disability from which you suffer and for which you seek
special assistance or attention from us or our suppliers.
(b) If, during the course of the holiday, we reasonably consider that you are unable to
cope with the demands of the holiday;
(c) If you act unreasonably and we reasonably consider that your actions or behaviour
are likely to cause distress, damage, danger or annoyance to other customers,
employees or third parties or to the property of any person.
10.2 If you are prevented from travelling or from completing your holiday in the
circumstances set out in clause 9 & 10, our responsibility to you for your holiday will
cease when we terminate the holiday.
10.3 You will not be entitled to any refund where we terminate your holiday in the
circumstances set out in clause 9 & 10 and we will not be liable to pay any compensation to you as a result of terminating your holiday (irrespective if these services were
provided by us or not, and if you may incur any additional expenses as a result of your
tour being terminated).
(b) If you travel on a ship, train or aircraft as part of your holiday with us, the carrier’s
conditions of carriage (copies of which are available from us on request) will apply.
The carrier’s liability to you may be signi昀椀cantly limited by its conditions of carriage
and by international conventions.
(c) In the event of a breakdown of a coach on a touring holiday, our liability will be
limited; if, for any reason we cannot provide a replacement coach. As this situation will
be out of our control, you may miss out on a signi昀椀cant attraction. We will reimburse
the amount of any paid attraction - if we receive any reimbursement from the said
attraction supplier. Though we will endeavour to replace / repair the coach at the
earliest. However sometimes delays will occur due to many reasons beyond our control.
In this event we are also entitled to use a replacement coach that we deem 昀椀t to
conclude the rest of the journey. The replacement coach may or may not have the
same amenities as the original coach.
(d) Star Tours accept no liability for loss or damage whatsoever for baggage or personal
belongings placed on any of our transporting vehicles, Hotels, Suppliers property,
regardless of circumstances at hand.
16.1 Travel insurance is mandatory for European and many other countries. For further
information, contact any of our of昀椀ces.
16.2 Please note that is strongly advised that you should obtain travel insurance for
the entire duration of your holidays, when travelling abroad. Star Tour can assist you
in obtaining the necessary travel insurance at an extra cost, which is separate to your
holiday cost.
16.3 Any claims in regard to travel insurance must be directly settled with your respective
travel insurance company. Star Tours cannot assist you in any claims and won’t be liable
for any charges or compensation. You must read and understand all terms & conditions
of the respective travel insurance company before obtaining the insurance.
16.4 In certain countries vaccinations maybe required or recommended by the Department
of Health. As regulations are frequently changing, you must check with your doctor as
to which inoculations are advisable for your chosen holiday. You should also refer to the
Department of Health. You may also check with your local health provider. The safety
standards and regulations, which apply overseas, are those of the country concerned.
Often, they do not aspire to the same levels as in India, due to this the general standards
of safety, hygiene, 昀椀re precautions; etc can differ to those we expect in India. We suggest
12.1 Star Tours will not be held responsible, under any circumstances, for the following
you familiarize yourself with 昀椀re escapes, and check depth and exits from swimming
situations involving the passenger or their co-traveller(s)
pools before swimming. Upset stomachs can easily be caused from climate change,
(a) Any issues arising from the loss or destruction of passports/travel documents
water & ice. Sexually transmitted diseases are a serious threat throughout the world.
before or during the tour, including any additional expenses incurred due to such events. Please exercise precaution and seek immediate advice if you think you may be affected.
(b) Personal injury, delays, sickness, accidents, death, discomfort, increased expenses,
Avoid skin piercing and touching wild or stray animals as rabies is also a big threat.
consequential loss and/or damage due to theft or injuries, regardless of how they
You should take due care of sunburn by using creams and not overexposing yourself.
occurred. (c) Temporary or permanent loss/damage to baggage/personal effects,
It is advisable to keep note of any signi昀椀cant medical condition you have and details of
regardless of the cause, including wilful negligence by any person. (d) Loss of baggage any medication you are prescribed.
during air, cruise line, or ground transportation. (e) An airline or airport personal
16.5 If you are on daily medication, we strongly advise you to carry enough medicines
preventing a tour participant from boarding the aircraft for reasons beyond Star
for the entire duration of the tour. Further, you must carry your doctors detailed
Tours’ control. (f) An airline failing to accommodate tour participants despite holding
prescription for your daily medication and the medicines you carry.
con昀椀rmed tickets. (g) Damage or loss caused due to events beyond Star Tours’ control 16.6 Vaccinations and Health: (a) Check your countries Department of Travel &
Health website for destination-speci昀椀c vaccination requirements. Maintain records
(including force majeure events and exceptional circumstances).
of medical conditions and medications. Adhere to COVID-19 vaccination/testing
12.2 Star Tours’ liability arising from this contract regarding your holiday, tour or
guidelines. (b) Allergies and Dietary Restrictions: Individuals with severe allergies should
excursion, will not exceed the total amount paid or agreed to be paid (to us) for the
take necessary precautions before the trip, as we cannot guarantee allergen-free
holiday and will not include any consequential loss or additional expenses in any case.
environments. Star Tours cannot be held accountable for actions of other passengers
12.3 You are responsible for checking-in for 昀氀ights and presenting yourself for all
that may trigger someone’s allergies.
pre-booked attractions whilst on holiday. Star Tours cannot accept liability for clients
missing 昀氀ights as a result of late check-ins or arrivals and no credit notes or refunds
will be given if you fail to take up any component of your tour.
17.1 Individuals who suffer from severe allergies are strongly advised to take all relevant
12.4 You are responsible for joining our coach tours as per the pickup time given
precautions before travelling, as we cannot cater to individual allergies. Star Tours can
on your con昀椀rmation. Star Tours cannot accept liability for clients missing any
take no responsibility for the actions of other passengers who aggravate allergies suffered
component of your tour. No credit notes or refunds will be given and we will not
by another passenger. We cannot guarantee that food within Restaurants and Kitchen
be liable for any costs incurred by the client who wishes to rejoin the tour.
Caravans are free from allergens (e.g. nuts) due to potential cross-contamination risks
12.5 Our hotel(s) may not have air-conditioning, fans, kettles and many other services
from the product, people and the environment. Star Tours will attempt to accommodate
you may be accustomed to; we endeavour to contract hotels with these facilities;
however, we do not guarantee or con昀椀rm that our hotels will have these facilities. In the any requests concerning dietary requirements; however passengers are advised that these
are not guaranteed.
event of non-functioning or unavailable amenities, no compensation will be provided.
13.1 Should you encounter any issues or have complaints during your holiday, promptly
notify the relevant supplier (e.g., hotel ) and our tour representative to facilitate
immediate resolution. If unresolved, lodge a formal complaint within 14 days of your
holiday’s conclusion.
13.2 For complaints involving the negligence of our suppliers, subcontractors, or agents,
and not Star Tours or its employees, no liability will be assumed if the issue is not
reported immediately during the tour, following the above procedure.
13.3 We aim to respond to any complaints within 28 days although this can sometimes
take longer as we have to investigate and may need to wait for replies from suppliers or
other third parties. Any dispute or claim which arises out of (or in connection with) your
contract or holiday must be dealt with under the ABTA arbitration scheme or brought to
the courts of Mumbai, India only. It is only these courts that will have any jurisdiction to
hear any claims made under or relating to it. For full details on the arbitration scheme,
visit the ABTA website www.abta.com
13.4 Failing to adhere to this complaint procedure diminishes our ability to investigate and
address your concerns while on the tour, thereby affecting your rights under this contract.
14.1 You should ensure that you allow suf昀椀cient time (currently minimum 08-12 weeks
from posting a correctly completed application form) to apply for a visa. It is the
passenger’s responsibility to ensure that they possess all relevant travel documents prior
to departure of their scheduled tour. If the passenger is acquiring the necessary visas/
travel documents independently from Star Tours, then it is the passenger’s responsibility
to ensure that they ful昀椀l all necessary criteria prior to the scheduled tour departure.
If for any reason the tour participant is unable to travel due to incomplete travel
documentation after booking and con昀椀rmation of tour, the tour participant will be
subject to cancellation policy as stated in clause (5.1) of these terms and conditions.
14.2 For obtaining UK, Schengen, USA visas ( or other applicable visa ) passengers need
to visit the respective consulate / VFS centre for personal visa submission and biometric.
At Star Tours, we provide a visa documentation services only, at an extra cost, which is
separate to your holiday cost. You must submit all documents required together.
Applications with documents pending will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to
submit all documents to us at the correct time. Though we prepare your documentation
(as per documents provided by you), it is solely at the discretion of the relevant
consulate to accept your application; we can therefore not take any
responsibility if the visa has been refused for whatever reason. It is responsibility
of the passenger to ensure they have the correct visa in place before traveling.
In the event passengers are not able to travel due to not having the correct visas,
the cancellation policy set in clause 5.1 will apply.
services and products we offer, then we need some personal information in order to
communicate with you. We collect personal information such as names, addresses,
telephone numbers and email addresses. If you book a holiday with us we will also
collect your passport, pan, aadhar details etc. It may also be necessary for us to collect
information of a more personal nature. This information will allow us to process your
booking, ful昀椀l or pass on any other request you might have.
When you make a booking, request a brochure or sign up for our e mail updates then
we will securely store your contact details in order to contact you with details of products and services we think you might be interested in. Rest assured we do not sell your
personal details to other companies. If you decide you would rather not receive news,
information and offers about our holidays, please let us know in writing to Star Tours
& Holiday Private Limited, Orion Building, 1st Floor, Nehru Road, Opp. Bank of Baroda,
Santacruz-East, Mumbai 400055, India.
Star Tours Ltd - UK abide by the UK GDPR and national data protection laws, only
processing your data with your explicit consent or as legally required or permitted. We
prioritise protecting your data from unauthorised third parties, and you can choose to
opt-out of our communications by writing to our speci昀椀ed address.
While the information provided by Star Tours Ltd - UK was accurate as of October
2024, we cannot be held accountable for unforeseen changes or force majeure events
affecting the availability of services, amenities, and access to various sites.
It advised to verify the status with us before making any plans. STAR TOURS LTD
The prices and details within this brochure will become void once a new brochure is
published. Price and details mentioned on our website will be 昀椀nal and must be
accepted by your before booking.
We highly recommend checking all details on our website www.star.tours
Terms and Conditions for Special Discounts
1. The special discount applies only to adults and children above two years, excluding infants.
2. The discount is applied solely to the tour cost, excluding optional add-ons,
seat supplements, 昀氀ights, pickups, visas, or other additional costs.
3. This offer is available to the 昀椀rst 500 passengers only.
4. A 10% discount or 7% discount is valid until November 30, 2024, & applies exclusively
to bookings paid in full. This encompasses all European group tours (both coach and
昀氀ight packages) and multi-day UK tours scheduled for 2025, barring the departures
in January 2025. The extension or alteration of this offer remains at our discretion.
5. The 5% discount will end on January 31, 2025, affecting selected European group
tours and UK day tours planned for 2025. Should the offer be extended past this
date, it will not apply during the Easter, May Bank holiday, or Spring Bank Holiday
tours. The discount will also not be extended to 昀氀ight tours after that.
6. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
7. The discount will only be validated once the payment is received.
8. All discounts are subject to availability at the time of booking.
9. Star Tours retains the right to withdraw this offer at any point without prior
noti昀椀cation, in part or complete withdrawal.
10. Additional packages or passengers added to the original booking post the offer
expiration date will not be eligible for the discount.
11. Star Tours employees, partners, or af昀椀liates, and those of its subsidiaries, are not
eligible for this offer.
12. Star Tours holds the right to rectify any pricing errors.
13. Amendments to the original booking, including passenger cancellation, tour
downgrades, name changes, and date changes, will nullify the discount and incur
standard terms and conditions charges.
14. Discount will not be applicable on certain worldwide or far away tours, as well as
India Tours.
Terms and Conditions for Loyalty Stars
1. Loyalty Stars are earned based on tour, excluding extras, and are assigned after
booking veri昀椀cation; Loyalty Stars will not be granted in conjunction with other
offers or on bookings made through third parties, including online travel agents and
industry operators.
2. Loyalty Stars have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash or vouchers.
3. Loyalty Stars are valid for 24 months from the credited date, after which they will
expire automatically from the account.
4. Loyalty Stars are activated only upon the completion of the tour and are linked
exclusively to the email address used during booking; the same email must be utilised
for redeeming points. Loyalty Stars from multiple accounts for groups cannot be
combined for purchases.
5. Once redeemed, Loyalty Stars are non-refundable and non-transferable.
6. In the case of a refund for a tour, the loyalty stars awarded for that speci昀椀c tour will
be withdrawn from the account.
7. Loyalty Stars will not be retroactively applied or available for tours booked using existing
points, additional excursions, front seat bookings or partner tours and excursions.
18.1 Liability: You shall bear the costs for any damage or loss caused by you or your party 8. Members can resign from the loyalty scheme at any time through a formal request
during the tour, failing which you will be liable for any resultant claims or legal actions.
sent by post or email to Star Tours Ltd.
18.2 Star Tours will take no responsibility for retrieving any items of lost property due
9. Star Tours Ltd retains the right to amend membership details and the terms and
to safety and legal reasons. Star Tours will take no responsibility in reclaiming any
conditions of the loyalty scheme at any time without notice.
belongings from third party suppliers. It is the clients’ responsibility to contact the
10. The Stars offered for each tour are solely determined by Star Tours.
service provider directly and arrange for payment and shipping independently.
11. Modi昀椀ed, cancelled or changed tours will not be eligible for loyalty stars rewards.
12. If the loyalty scheme is discontinued, the accumulated points will no longer hold any
value and cannot be used for any services within Star Tours Ltd.
19.1 It is important that you purchase an Overseas Travel Insurance Policy to cover
13. Star Tours Ltd reserves the right to terminate any loyalty account without notice,
against any possible risks such as damage, loss or accident, injury to life or property
irrespective of the number of accrued points.
while on tour. It is mandatory that you purchase the overseas travel insurance policy.
19.2 If required, Star Tours will assist you in obtaining the Overseas Travel Insurance
Terms and Conditions for Front Seats
Policy from registered Insurance company. Please note that you would have a direct
contractual relation with the insurer (Insurance company) and we will merely act as
1. Front seat booking is available at a charge. Only adults can occupy the front seats;
facilitators in this relationship.
children and infants are prohibited.
19.3 It is your responsibility to learn and understand the Travel Insurance policy and
2. Paid front seats are subject to availability.
its terms and conditions before the issuance of the policy.
3. Star Tours maintains the right to change the seat assignment and refund the seat
19.4 You shall directly submit claims to your insurance company. The insurance company
booking amount, if necessary, due to various reasons recognised as valid by Star
shall directly pay the settlement amounts (if any) to you and if any dispute in regard to
Tours Ltd and its af昀椀liates.
the claim, rejection of claims or adequacy of settlement amounts shall be settled by you 4. Booking cancellations solely based on the unavailability of front seats are not
directly with the insurance company (irrespective if the travel insurance was obtained
permitted; additionally, if a booking is cancelled, the front seat cost is subjected to a
through Star Tours).
100% cancellation fee.
5. Alterations to the departure dates, initiated by either the customer or Star Tours, do
not guarantee front seat availability in the new booking. However, a refund will be
20.1 Holidays in this brochure are operated by Star Tours Ltd - UK. (a member of the
facilitated for the front seats if unavailable.
Association of British Travel Agents). Being an ABTA (W8770) member and holding an
6. Front seats will not offer extra legroom or superior features compared to other seats.
ATOL License (5639) issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of UK, we adhere to ABTA’s
Front seats will be allocated behind the driver or courier depending on the coach
Code of Conduct, ensuring a high standard of service. More information about your
layout of the tour guide microphone.
昀椀nancial protections and recourse in cases of service non-provision due to insolvency
7. Once con昀椀rmed, front seat bookings cannot be cancelled and are subjected to a
are detailed in the ATOL certi昀椀cate and can be referred to on www.abta.com. ABTA &
100% cancellation charge; these bookings are also non-transferable.
ATOL scheme may or may not be applicable to you.
8. While occupying a front seat, wearing your seat belt is compulsory.
Pregnant individuals or those with medical conditions or other circumstances
preventing them from assisting other passengers in emergencies are ineligible for
The law concerning data protection and your privacy can generally be found in the Data
Protection Act and its associated legislation.
10. Star Tours reserves the right to offer any unsold front seats at no extra cost
If you are booking a holiday with us, we need your personal details in order to process
its seating policy.
your booking and to enable us (or our suppliers and agents) to get in touch with you
11. The front seat booking facility is available on selected tours and departure dates.
in connection with your travel arrangements, if required. Similarly, if you are booking
only be purchased in pairs, excluding single travellers from availing
a holiday with us or are enquiring about a holiday, or are responding to one of our
this service or for groups of more than two and families.
promotional campaigns and would like us to update you with information about the
Call us on : 1800 123 181 181 | Book Online: www.star.tours