2024 brochure UK web - Flipbook - Page 80
Bird Offer will not be available for bookings opting for 昀氀ight reductions and will be
rescinded if any changes are made to a booking.
2.6 You must remember to pay the remaining balance by the due date, irrespective of
visa processing status. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your booking
and forfeiture of your deposit. If you fail to pay the balance amount by due date, and
if we cancel your holidays, Star Tours won’t be responsible for any 昀椀nancial losses
(if any) you may incur. If booking is reinstated – then you will incur a late payment
fee and any discounts / offers given on the initial booking won’t be applicable.
2.7 Payment of tour price: Full tour payment can be either made in INR (Indian
Rupee) or in GBP (Great Britain Pound)
2.7 (a) Full tour payment in INR : If full tour price is made in INR, then the tour deposit
amount will be adjusted towards the full and 昀椀nal payment. Rate of Exchange (ROE)
i.e GBP to INR will be con昀椀rmed by Star Tours on the day of 昀椀nal payment. You must
check the ROE with Star Tours before making the 昀椀nal / full payment. Documents
mandatory to be given to our of昀椀ce - copy of passport (Photo page & address page),
copy of VISA, copy of airline ticket and PAN & Aadhar Card copy. Once booking / full
payment is done, it is agreed ( you have given your consent ) that your INR payment
will be converted to GBP (as the tour price is in GBP) under your name or your travel
companion’s name. The forex purchase will be made against your LRS as per RBI
guidelines. Star Tours reserves the right to purchase forex towards your tour price
in the name of any booked passenger/s mentioned in your booking form unless
speci昀椀ed to Star Tours at the time of booking or at the time of 昀椀nal/full payment.
Even after paying the tour price in full, you will be liable to pay (in addition) any taxes
made applicable by government of India from time to time ( i.e GST or TCS or any
other taxes )
2.7 (b) Full tour payment in GBP : If full tour price is made in GBP, then INR deposit
amount will be refunded in full by cheque only. Documents mandatory to be given to
our of昀椀ce - copy of passport (Photo page & address page), copy of VISA, copy of
airline ticket & copy of forex purchase receipt from authorized RBI forex agent.
If the above-mentioned mandatory documents are not submitted to our India of昀椀ces
then the full payment made will be considered as invalid and full payment / 昀椀nal
invoice won’t be issued. As a result you may not be allowed to join your respective
tour. It is your responsibility to make sure that the required mandatory documents
are submitted to our of昀椀ce.
2.8 Early Bird offers and other promotional/web-only discount are applicable only in
conjunction with con昀椀rmed bookings and a deposit payment. We reserve the right to
withdraw these offers at any time.
2.9 It is your responsibility to carefully check the con昀椀rmation invoice and any
other documents issued by Star Tours and let Star Tours or your travel agent know
immediately in the event of any error or inaccuracy as it may not be possible to make
changes later.
3.1 The price of the tour services will be as quoted on the website www.startours.
co.uk or as quoted on your invoice at the time of booking, except in cases of error.
We hold the right to modify the prices at any moment. Our prices are liable to
change at any time, but changes will not affect bookings already accepted in writing
con昀椀rmation or invoice, we will only change the price of your holiday if there is a
change or increase in any one or more of the following:
(a) Transportation costs, which encompass fuel price variations (including 昀氀ight
supplements and the cost of fuel); or
(b) Government imposed dues, taxes or fees chargeable, such as landing taxes or
embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports; or
(c) The exchange rate applicable to your holiday package.
(d) In the event of a signi昀椀cant increase in any of the components that are included
in your tour cost i.e.: hotels, entrances, 昀氀ights, transportation & food due to known/
unknown circumstances beyond our control. We maintain the right to correct any
pricing errors on our platforms and reservations made at an incorrect price.
3.2 If we increase the cost of your holiday ( based on the above points ) by more than
10%, you may cancel the holiday, provided that you notify us within seven days from
the date you receive the con昀椀rmation or invoice with the increased amount. We will
refund you the full amount paid by you to Star Tours towards your booking only ( no
refunds for any visas/ 昀氀ight tickets or other services ). Star Tours won’t be liable to
pay you any other cost you may incur as a result of the same.
3.3 Applicability of Offers and Discounts: Early Bird offers and other discounts are
valid when both the land arrangements and 昀氀ight components of the tour align with
the initially quoted tour price, without the addition of any surcharges for 昀氀ights or
hotels. These discounts are available for unmodi昀椀ed tours and can be withdrawn at
any time without notice.
3.4 Breakdown of Costs: We are not obligated to provide a detailed breakdown of the
individual costs involved in your holiday package.
3.5 Refund Policy for Cancelled or Restricted Excursions: In cases where excursions
are cancelled or restricted, including national or public holidays, we will offer a refund
equal to the ticket price as per our contracted rate only (not the published rates).
Infants and children may sometimes be ineligible for this refund.
3.6 Dynamic Pricing Policy: Star Tours employs a dynamic pricing policy, meaning that
tour prices may 昀氀uctuate due to various factors including service availability or the
addition of new services. The price con昀椀rmed at the time of your booking is 昀椀nal; we
cannot adjust it to match any previously seen prices. Please note that our website
will always display the most current pricing, as brochures may be published several
months in advance and may not re昀氀ect the latest updates.
4.1 For Coach Tours only, the following amendments can be facilitated given that a
written noti昀椀cation is received within the timelines mentioned below:
Change for
Coach Tours Only
More than
30 days before
29-14 days
13-8 days
7-2 days
Name Change
£25 per person
£50 per person
£75 per person
£ 100 per person
Tour Date Change
£25 per person
Tour Upgrade
(Longer Tour)
Tour Downgrade
(Shorter Tour)*
£25 per person*
*Note: When downgrading a tour, the payment must be settled in full at the time of
the alteration, treating it as a 昀椀nal modi昀椀cation. Downgrades are limited to a threeday tour option and are non-negotiable beyond this. This option is not extended to
tours spanning 2 days or fewer, UK Tours, or services from our af昀椀liate partners.
4.2 Cancellation terms for One Day tours operated by Star Tours Ltd will be as per
Clause 5.1 Coach Tours. Name Changes/Date Changes for One Day tours operated
by Star Tours Ltd will be allowed up to 7 days prior to departure provided we have
received this in writing, an admin fee of £15 Per Person will be applied.
4.3 We can allow a maximum of two amendments per individual booking. The
administration charges stated above will apply for each amendment subject to
approval/availability. More than two changes are not possible, and it will be
considered as a cancellation for which cancellation charges will apply as per the
policy. Any amendment subsequent to con昀椀rmation of any 昀氀ight tours, FIT Tours will
be subject to cancellation fees stated in clause 5.1 of these terms and conditions.
4.4 If you want to replace any individual in your booking subsequent to con昀椀rmation,
it will be your responsibility to 昀椀nd a replacement. Star Tours cannot take any
responsibility of introducing another individual to replace the original tour participant.
4.5 Any change and subsequent re-change back to the original non amended booking
will be deemed as a change(s) and no refund, discount and or compensation will be
due for such eventualities.
7.3 Signi昀椀cant Alterations: In the event of substantial changes to your holiday, such as
altering your UK airport (excluding transitions between recognized London airports) or
modifying your departure/return time by over 12 hours, we will notify you promptly.
Subsequently, you may either accept the modi昀椀ed holiday arrangement, choose a
different holiday option (with a refund for any price difference), or cancel your booking.
7.4 If, as the result of a major change you choose to cancel your booking we will refund
all monies that you have paid to us (For services rendered only by us - limited to
payment of tour cost only ). No compensation will be paid for any other bookings, visa
charges, air ticket charges and, or any loss you may have suffered as a result of the
change - irrespective of these services were booked or processed by us.
7.5 Limitations on Compensation: We are not obliged to offer compensation for either
minor or substantial changes, including, but not limited to:
7.5 (a) The cancellation of tours resulting in additional costs for services booked separately.
7.5 (b) Events unforeseen or beyond our control, encompassing natural disasters,
political unrest, pandemic, war, or transportation disruptions, which could not be averted
despite exercising all necessary precautions.
7.6 Excursion Cancellations: In circumstances characterised by unusual or
unforeseeable conditions, including national or public holidays in the visited country
necessitating the cancellation/restriction of an excursion, we will provide
reimbursement options at our contracted rate only. These options may vary
depending on circumstances and will not extend to infants and children.
7.7 Events and Festivals: Due to occurrences such as trade fairs, exhibitions, and national
holidays, there might be a necessity to alter the designated hotels and locations. Despite
our efforts to avoid these situations, any changes necessitated by such events will not
be valid grounds for grievances during or after the tour.
7.8 We shall not be liable to pay any compensation or cost as a direct result of us cancelling
a Tour / excursion / any services ; for services that are booked above and beyond the
speci昀椀ed tour. This includes Hotel, visa charges, insurance, transportation (昀氀ights, train,
coach, ship/ferry) etc; any subsequent bookings are made solely by you, despite of us
con昀椀rming a tour. We, or the supplier of the services in question could not, even with all
due care, foresee or avoid; or if the change is due to unusual or unforeseeable (including
force majeure) circumstances beyond our control and the control of our suppliers, the
5.1 Noti昀椀cation of Cancellation: Should you or a party member decide to cancel the
holiday, the primary contact must formally notify us or PSA / travel agent where the consequences of which we or our suppliers could not have avoided even if all due care
had been exercised. Examples include hostilities, pandemic, political unrest, war or threat
booking was made, in writing.
of war, riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disasters,
5.2 Cancellation Charges: Upon your noti昀椀cation of cancellation, we will apply the
cancellation fees as stipulated in the table. These fees are determined based on the 昀氀ood, 昀椀re, epidemic or health risk, advice from any environmental health of昀椀ce or body,
technical problems to transport, road traf昀椀c conditions, airport closures, adverse weather
timing of your written noti昀椀cation. This policy holds under various circumstances
conditions or similar events beyond our control. Force Majeure: This means that we will not
including but not limited to:
pay you compensation if we have to cancel or change your travel arrangements in any way
a) Non-compliance with the outlined payment schedule for the tour
because unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control.
b) Visa denials for any of the countries included in the tour itinerary
c) Inability to travel due to various reasons such as medical conditions, death, or jury 7.9 With regards to 昀氀ight tours, if we do not have the required minimum number of
passengers, we may operate the tour on individual basis covering the same itinerary,
service (contact us for a comprehensive list).
where we would not be able to provide you the services of a full time tour manager, but
Notice Given for
there will be a local guide/driver who will assist you to all the main sightseeing places.
Coach Tours
Other Tours
Service and inclusion might change or might not be included due to cost restrain.
7.10 Events and Festivals: Due to occurrences such as trade fairs, exhibitions, and
25% of total holiday cost
40% of total holiday cost
More than 28 Days
national holidays, there might be a necessity to alter the designated hotels and
27 - 14 Days
50% of total holiday cost
75% of total holiday cost
locations. Despite our efforts to avoid these situations, any changes necessitated by
such events will not be valid grounds for grievances either during or after the tour.
13 - 7 Days
75% of total holiday cost
90% of total holiday cost
7.11 We won’t be responsible for any refund / cancellation charges / rebooking charges
of air tickets or visas or any date change penalty due to cancellation of any of our tours.
100% of total holiday cost
100% of total holiday cost
6 Days or Less
Visa cost is non-refundable at any cost even if we cancel your holidays.
ALL OF EUROPE (AOE) : Please check with our sales team.
7.12 Changes During the 2025 Jubilee Year in Rome : During the 2025 Jubilee year in
Rome/Italy, we anticipate that there may be substantial and sudden alterations to the
* Coach Tours: refer Contents page (#3) for tours marked by symbol:
itinerary without advance notice. Sightseeing experiences may be impacted; speci昀椀c
* Other Tours: refer Contents page (#3) for tours marked by symbol:
landmarks might be inaccessible due to events taking place, necessitating replacements
that may not be communicated in advance. The routing of tours within Rome will comply
The cancellation charges shown represent a percentage of the total holiday price,
excluding insurance premium or any additional charges as these charges may need to be with local restrictions in place at that time. Please be advised that delays encountered,
or sights missed owing to traf昀椀c disruptions or road closures will not be eligible for
paid in full (e.g. visa charges, courier, postal).
reimbursement during the Jubilee year period in Rome. It is encouraged to remain
NOTE: If the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your
insurance policy (if purchased), you may be able to reclaim these charges through your 昀氀exible with the tour arrangements during this globally recognised event to ensure
a smooth and enjoyable experience.
insurance company - subject to their terms.
5.3 Due to increased security measures, all airlines now require 昀椀rst and last names on
the airline tickets. This must be the same name that appears on your passport, which
must be the same name given when making your booking with us. It is your responsibility 8.1 In order for us to run/operate each tour, there must be a minimum number of
passengers booked with us. If the minimum numbers of people do not travel for a
to ensure this information is correct on your invoice and other
speci昀椀c date, we may cancel the tour for that date. (provided that we send you notice
documentation. Any changes will lead to an administrative charge (of which you
of the cancellation either in writing or via the telephone, at least two weeks prior to
will be noti昀椀ed at the time).
5.4 Should you wish to cancel a holiday and re-book, this will be subject to the cancella- departure. For tours less than 2 days, we will notify you of the cancellation three days
tion terms within these booking conditions. If the alternative booking requires a greater before departure). If we cancel because there are not enough passengers, we will refund
full amount you have paid to us in respect of the tour (for services rendered by us only
deposit than has already been paid, then the balance between what is required as a
- limited to tour price only). Star tours reserves the right to amend, amalgamate, alter,
deposit and any deposits already paid becomes due.
vary or cancel a tour without incurring any liability to pay any compensation. Star Tours
cannot be held responsible for any cost which you incur as a result of cancellation due
to lack of passenger participation. We are not liable to pay any compensation for visa
6.1 Provisional Bookings: Bookings initiated through our web portal are provisional until
services / visa fees / 昀氀ight / other charges or any additional services booked by you
Star Tours of昀椀cially con昀椀rms them through issuing a 昀椀nal con昀椀rmation invoice. Please
note that a payment made at the booking time does not assure the booking con昀椀rmation. (irrespective if these services were provided by us or not)
6.2 Booking Review and Accuracy Check: Star Tours reserves the right to review all online 8.2 We reserve the right in any circumstances to cancel your holiday for any reason.
If the company is obliged to cancel your holiday in any other circumstances before
bookings for accuracy before con昀椀rming the requested services. If any part of your
departure, the company will use its best endeavours to offer alternative arrangements
booking, including but not limited to room preferences, seating arrangements, or pick
up point selection, violates our terms and conditions or published information, we may of equivalent or very closely similar standard and price, if available, else we will refund
full amount you have paid to us in respect of the tour (for services rendered by us only
decline the booking. In such cases, we will contact you to address the discrepancies,
- limited to tour price only). If you re-book on a different date, you must pay the fare
allowing you to either modify your booking according to the prevailing policies and
difference (if applicable) on the new booking. We are not liable to pay any compensaprices or cancel your provisional booking. Please Note that the online booking system
tion for visa services / visa fees / 昀氀ight or any additional services booked
may sometimes allow selections that are subject to our approval and are contrary to
by you (irrespective if these services were provided by us or not)
our policies.
8.3 In the event that we may have to cancel your tour, we may from time to time where
6.3 Payment Details: All payments made via the online booking portal must be in UK
Sterling. If you opt to pay with a non-UK bank debit/credit card or a FOREX/Pre-paid card, logistically possible, operate the same tour using a mini bus; (Mini busses do not have
air-conditioning, toilets or other facilities on board) which will be offered to you at the
be aware that you will bear any surcharges/fees levied by your issuing bank or building
society, in addition to a 2%. Transactions made with Business or Corporate cards will incur same price or with a small premium. This is subject to us having a minimum number of
a 4% surcharge.
6.4 Responsibility for Booking Details: You are responsible for verifying that all details are
accurate before 昀椀nalising your booking with a payment. Should any changes be necessary 9. SPECIAL NEEDS AND REQUESTS
9.1 Accommodating Special Needs: We endeavour to accommodate special needs and
post-con昀椀rmation, they will be subject to the cancellation or change fees outlined in
requests, but we cannot guarantee that all our tours will be suitable for individuals with
clauses 4 and 5 of these terms and conditions.
special needs, including wheelchair accessibility.
9.2 Booking Refusal: Star Tours maintains the right to decline a booking or service based
7.1 Occasionally, we may have to make changes and we reserve the right to do so at any on the suitability of a tour for an individual passenger.
time. These changes will be advised to you or your travel agent at the earliest possible 9.3 Special Requests: (a) If you have special needs or requests, please inform us in
opportunity. We also reserve the right under certain circumstances to cancel your travel writing. It should be noted that making a request does not guarantee that it will be
accommodated. (b) Requests for services such as packed breakfast should be directed
For example, if the minimum number of clients required for a particular travel arrange- to the respective hotel, and the client will bear any additional costs. Star Tours cannot
guarantee or be held responsible for such services.
ment is not reached, we may have to cancel that tour departure. You can either have
9.4 Assistance During the Tour: We cannot endow the aid of a tour manager/driver
a refund of all monies paid or accept an offer of alternative travel arrangements of
comparable standard from us, if available. Star Tours cannot be held responsible for any for walking, dining, getting on/off any transportation or for any other personal needs.
It is indispensable that a quali昀椀ed companion must accompany any traveller who needs
cost which you incur as a result of cancellation due to lack of passenger participation.
such assistance at a cost borne by the traveller or companion. In the absence thereof,
Star Tours accept no liability for bookings made outside the services rendered by us
such traveller will be joining the tour on their own risk and consequence.
including any visa charges / insurance charges / airtickets charges etc.
7.2 Minor Adjustments: Minor alterations to your holiday, such as adjustments to travel 9.5 Accessibility Concerns: If step-free access is a critical requirement for your tour,
we strongly advise consulting with our sales team before booking to understand the
times, excursions, departure and return points, transportation mode to a signi昀椀cant
suitability of various amenities.
joining point, short-term changes in accommodation standard, or non-signi昀椀cant
9.6 Group Travel Requests: To travel with another party, ensure that you are in the same
itinerary amendments, will not entitle you to any compensation.
7.2 (a) Dover, Calais, Medway, and Folkestone pickups are conditional upon ferry services booking, have identical pickup/drop-off points, and are scheduled for the same tour. We
departing from the Dover Port and are not guaranteed. You may initially choose these; cannot guarantee that such arrangements will always be possible due to uncontrollable
circumstances. Adjustments cannot be made to accommodate requests to travel togethhowever, if unavailable, you must modify your pickup location, with no liabilities falling
er if not informed at time of booking.
on Star Tours for any associated costs.
7.2 (b) If an external pickup service is utilised, transportation to the coach boarding point 9.7 Language of the Tours: Please note that all our tours are conducted in English.
9.8 If you have a special request (e.g. Veg meals) on the 昀氀ight please check and inform
may be facilitated through a variety of vehicles, including private cars or
us when you book your holiday and we will pass this information onto our suppliers.
minibuses. Return services might have a waiting period of 90 minutes for a
Our note of request on your invoice con昀椀rms we have received it however does not
connecting coach.
7.2 (c) We reserve the right to alter external pickup timings at our discretion. You will be guarantee that we or the relevant supplier can meet with your request. We will not
pay compensation for failing to meet a special request that we have not con昀椀rmed
noti昀椀ed within 24 hours of departure.
separately in writing.
4.6 All passengers in a booking, including those in conjunction with bookings, must
adhere to the same pickup and drop-off locations. Changes to these locations can
be requested up to 10 days before departure (21 days for UK’s bank and national
holidays), subject to our approval. Note that changes within 10 days of departure
may not be accommodated. If the change can be made, then a £15 per person
administrative fee will be applied. Pickup and drop-off locations will be con昀椀rmed
24 hours before departure based on availability.
4.7 For Flight Tours and FIT Tours, any amendments including name or date changes
made more than 6 weeks prior to the departure date will incur a fee of £100 per
person. Within 6 weeks of the departure, no changes can be made. These amendments
will also be governed by the cancellation policies stated in clause 5.1 of these guidelines.
Please note, if 昀氀ight tickets are issued, then name / date change is not possible or
will incur full cancellation as per airline policy. Also, that changes cannot be made to
bookings where 昀氀ight tickets have been issued for visa purposes.
4.8 Please be advised that any alterations will nullify previously applied discounts,
offers, or deals rendered at the initial booking stage.
4.9 For Far Away Tours and Worldwide Tours, no amendments (including name or
date changes) will be allowed at any time. These tours are 100% non-refundable and
non-changeable once booked. No exceptions will be made to this policy.
4.10 For bookings where 昀氀ights have been arranged and tickets issued as part of an
additional service, these 昀氀ights are 100% non-refundable and non-changeable once
issued. This applies regardless of the reason, including 昀氀ights issued for visa purposes
or as part of a tour package. No refunds or changes can be made once 昀氀ight tickets
have been issued.
4.11 Surcharges on credit / debit cards or any bank charges / transfer or remittance
fees will not be refunded when a booking is cancelled.
NOTE: Certain travel arrangements (such as Apex / No-frills airline tickets) may be
immune to changes post-reservation, potentially triggering a cancellation charge of
up to 100% for that segment or the entirety of the arrangements.
Call us on : 1800 123 181 181 | Book Online: www.star.tours